These issues are available through Communication and Mass Media Complete on EbscoHost.

Vol. 28, Issue 1, Winter 2011


“All Things Are As They Were Then”: Radio’s You Are There
By Matthew C. Ehrlich

Transforming Corporate Political Media Spending into Freedom of Speech: A Story of Alchemy and Finesse, 1977-78
By Roberts L. Kerr

Friend, Foe, or Freeloader? Cooperation and Competition between Newspapers and Radio in the Early 1920s
By Randall Patnode

Turning Right or Standing Still? Virginius Dabney and the New Deal in Virginia, 1930-1942
By Erika Pribanic-Smith

Book Reviews
Editor: Dolores Flamiano

Journalism in the Civil War Era, by David W. Bulla and Gregory A. Borchard & First Hand: Civil War Drawings from the Becker Collection, edited by Judith Bookbinder and Sheila Gallagher
Reviewed by William E. Huntzicker

The Media’s Role in Defining the Nation: The Active Voice, by David A. Copeland
Reviewed by Bob Stepno

Death of a Pirate: British Radio and the Making of the Information Age, by Adrian Johns
Reviewed by Richard C. Robinson

The Improbable First Century of Cosmopolitan Magazine, by James Landers
Reviewed by Lori Amber Roessner

Pen and Sword: American War Correspondents, 1989-1975, by Mary S. Mander
Reviewed by Giovanna Dell’Orto

The Origins of a Free Press in Prerevolutionary Virginia: Creating a Culture of Political Dissent, by Roger P. Mellen
Reviewed by Dean Jobb

War with Mexico! America’s Reporters Cover the Battlefront, by Tom Reilly
Reviewed by Sonny Rhodes

Presidential Address

Expanding Our Research, Expanding Our Reach
By Earnest L. Perry


Vol. 28, Issue 2, Spring 2011


Capitalism as a Necessary Evil: How E.W. Scripps Charted a Cautious Course Toward the Left
By Michael Sheehy

The Washington Correspondent in the Progressive Era: The New York Times’ Charles Willis Thompson
By Gerald L. Fetner

Wise Decisions: A Frontier Newspaper’s Coverage of the Dakota Conflict
By Charles Lewis

Learning from the Trades: Public Relations, Journalism, and News Release Writing, 1945-2000
By Lisa Mullikin Parcell

Newspaper Monopolies Under the Microscope: The Celler Hearings of 1963
By Stuart C. Babington

Book Reviews
Editor: Dolores Flamiano

Never in My Wildest Dreams: A Black Woman’s Life in Journalism, by Belva Davis with Vicki Haddock
Reviewed by Ann Y. White

Seen and Heard: The Women of Television News, by Nichola D. Gutgold
Reviewed by Lisa M. Burns

American Iconographic: National Geographic, Global Culture, and the Visual Imagination, by Stephanie L. Hawkins
Reviewed by Nicole Maurantonio

The Opinions of Mankind: Racial Issues, Press, and Propaganda in the Cold War, by Richard Lentz and Karla K. Gower
Reviewed by Lawrence Strout

Shocking True Story: The Rise and Fall of Confidential, “America’s Most Scandalous Scandal Magazine,” by Henry E. Scott
Reviewed by Amy Mattson Lauters

No Sense of Decency: The Army-McCarthy Hearings; A Demagogue Falls and Television Takes Charge of American Politics, by Robert Shogan
Reviewed by Pamela Ann Parry

Between the Bylines: A Father’s Legacy, by Susan E. Wiant
Reviewed by Douglass K. Daniel

The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires, by Tim Wu
Reviewed by JoAnne Holman


Vol. 28, Issue 3, Summer 2011


“A Light Out of This World”: Awe, Anxiety, and Routinization in Early Nuclear Test Coverage, 1951-1953
By Glen M. Feighery

Our Founding Anonymity: Anonymous Speech During the Constitutional Debate
By Victoria Smith Ekstrand and Cassandra Imfeld Jeyaram

Shocking Atrocities in Colorado: Newspapers’ Responses to the Ludlow Massacre
By Elizabeth V. Burt

Coloring America’s Pastime: Sporting Life‘s Coverage of Race & the Emergence of Baseball’s Color Line, 1883-1889
By Lori Amber Roessner

AJHA Oral History Project

An Interview with Betty Houchin Winfeld

Book Reviews
Editor: Dolores Flamiano

There You Have It: The Life, Legacy, and Legend of Howard Cosell, by John Bloom
Reviewed by Ray Gamache

On the Condition of Anonymity: Unnamed Sources and the Battle for Journalism, by Matt Carlson
Reviewed by John Vivian

Justices and Journalists: The U.S. Supreme Court and the Media, by Richard Davis
Reviewed by Joe Mathewson

Radio Utopia: Postwar Audio Documentary in the Public Interest, by Matthew C. Ehrlich
Reviewed by Stacy Spaulding

Becoming the Second City: Chicago’s Mass News Media, 1833-1898, by Richard Junger
Reviewed by James Kates

Business Girls & Two-Job Wives: Emerging Media Stereotypes of Employed Women, by Jane Marcellus
Reviewed by Janet Rice McCoy

Watergate’s Legacy and the Press: The Investigative Impulse, by Jon Marshall
Reviewed by James Aucoin

The Supreme Court and the Press: The Indispensable Conflict, by Joe Mathewson
Reviewed by Thomas A. Schwartz

A Free Press in Freehand: The Spirit of American Blogging in the Handwritten Newspapers of John McLean Harrington 1858-1869, by Michael Ray Smith
Reviewed by Sonny Rhodes


Vol. 28, Issue 4, Autumn 2011


Does Journalism History Matter?
By John Nerone

The Mediatization of War: A Comparison of the American and German Media Coverage of the Vietnam and Iraq Wars
By Gerd Horten

Daughters of the New Revolutionary War: Representations of Confederate Women and Gun Culture in the Confederate Press, 1861-1864
By Mary M. Cronin

Jesse Who?: Race, the Southern Press, and the 1936 Olympic Games
By Robert Drake

The Selling of Sex, Sleaze, Scuttlebutt, and other Shocking Sensations: The Evolution of New Journalism in San Francisco, 1887-1900
By Mark Bernhardt

Book Reviews
Editor: Dolores Flamiano

Journalism and Realism: Rendering American Life, by Thomas B. Connery
Reviewed by Paulette Kilmer

Scandal & Civility: Journalism and the Birth of American Democracy, by Marcus Daniel
Reviewed by Thomas C. Terry

Radio’s Civic Ambition: American Broadcasting and Democracy in the 1930s, by David Goodman
Reviewed by Krysti J. Carlson-Goering

Roi Ottley’s World War II: The Lost Diary of an African American Journalist, by Mark A. Huddle
Reviewed by Earnest Perry

The Long Night: William L. Shirer and the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, by Steve Wick
Reviewed by Raluca Cozma

Presidential Address

Why You Matter to History
By James Brian McPherson